
Initial Research Pathway

Figure 1 Adapted from "WHAT IS FDM 3D PRINTING", HLHRAPID.COM Retrieved September 16, 2024 Justin prompted ChatGPT to give us a list of features and functions for Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM). We split the research between the both of us, Justin handled the features whereas I handled the functions. Using the information provided by ChatGPT, I researched on the Google Search Engine to find relevant sources from reports and websites to describe the functions of FDM.

Letter of Self-Introduction

Dear Professor Blackstone, I am writing this email to introduce myself for your class. Before university, I was in Nanyang Polytechnic where I studied the Common Engineering Programme for my first semester before pursuing the Diploma in Robotics and Mechatronics onwards. Fascinated with robotics since I was young, it was my reason for studying engineering. After polytechnic, engineering design became my new interest as I want to use my creative mindset to implement new ideas to serve the needs of others. Since the Mechanical Engineering Program offers a Design specialization in Year 2, it attracted me to pursue my studies in SIT. My strength in communication is being authentic, which makes it unique. Whenever I share my week with my close friends, they describe it as an inspiring take on my own perspective of life and are eager to listen to more. This ability also helped to interact meaningfully and forge bonds with new people that I meet.  However, I feel that I am weak in my oral com

Interpretation of Quote

“Communication skills are an essential component in the education of engineering students to facilitate not just students’ education but also to prepare them for their future careers.” Not only does communication skills help to interact with others, but also used in meaningful ways in the industry. In today’s context, such skills can be applied to projects, engagements and leadership roles. In learning communication skills, students can blend their technical knowledge with the ability to express their ideas and opinions, for their future careers.